Artivism = Art + Activism
Wild Heart Gallery believes that animal art* serves important goals. For one, it encourages people to care about animals. Whether the messaging is overt or subtle, art that promotes the conservation, preservation, respect and/or love for animals is Animal Artivism.
Animal Artivism comes in many forms and is not limited to a single genre. An important message can be delivered equally effectively with a black and white photograph, a Surrealist painting, a representational tapestry, or wry sculpture. The most important criteria is the message.
*The term "art" includes everything from painting to photography, digital works to sculpture and beyond.
Having only yesterday discovered Wild Heart Gallery through EntryThingy listings, I can’t stop coming back to your website for more. Likely the most engaging, uplifting and just plain fun site I may have ever seen in the art world, I want to thank you. A Mommy of four female-felines and one male-doggo…